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Registration and Check In
Conference Center Lobby
Day One Opening Session
Chancellor Ballroom
Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive Director; Ted Rogalski, ICAHN Board President
Day One Opening Keynote Speaker
"A Closer Look at Medical Humor"
This fun and enlightening talk will focus on the very "different" sense of humor shared by all in the medical profession. Often used as a coping mechanism, this speaker will explain the appropriate uses of our type of humor. Our humor invokes a positive attitude and unites us, no matter what your area, or era, of practice. Plan to be thoroughly entertained!
Afternoon Break and Snack
Chancellor Ballroom
Day One Breakout Sessions
Various Rooms
Quad Room
Marie Barry, Director of Community Economic Development at Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
"Rural Engagement in Economic Development: Why and How"
A body of research supports the idea that both the financial health of rural hospitals and the physical health of patients is largely influenced by the local economy. However, healthcare leaders face aq multitude of pressing problems more closely linked to the daily operations of their hospitals. How do you make the case to your Board of Directors and other local leaders that it is worth the hospital's time and relevant to their operations to engage in local economic development efforts? And how can a small, rural hospital with few financial resources make a demonstrable impact on their local economy? This session will provide a comprehensive case for rural hospital involvement in economic development alone with actionable, practical strategies for engagement in local economic development efforts that hospital leaders can take back to their organization and implement.
Honors Room
Amy Narishkin, Chief Executive Officer of Empowering Partners, LLC
"Correction to Connection: How Leaders Boost Productivity, Diversity, and Collaboration with Cultural Intelligence"
People won't speak up at work or in their community if they feel sidelined, especially those who have been historically silenced. In this interactive Workshop, participants discover how diversity, safety and belonging work when cultural intelligence is present. Participants will:
Uncover what trips us up when talking with someone who has a different perspective
Learn three tools you can use today to create genuine connection with another person without railroading them or diminishing ourselves
Chancellor Ballroom
Don Harkey, Chief Executive Officer of People Centric Consulting Group
Kathy Hull, Former Illini Community Hospital CEO; Current ICAHN Special Projects Consultant
"9 Tips for Better Boards"
Your board can be a great asset or a significant challenge. In this session facilitated by former hospital CEO Kathy Hull of ICAHN and People Centric Consulting Group CEO Don Harkey, you will hear input from a panel of hospital CEOs on 9 tips for getting more engagement and alignment from your board.
Day One Closing Session
Chancellor Ballroom
20 Years--A Look Back, A Look Forward
(Sharing Stories and Inspiration Over the Years)
Day One Closing Speaker
Stephanie Staples, Founder of Your Life, Unlimited
"Revitalize Your Work and Life! Better Together"
Are you trying to be all things to all people?
Are competing priorities and the lack of time, energy and motivation stopping you from being the best version of yourself?
If so, buckle up, it’s time to top up your psychosocial wellness tool kit.
Learn simple, purposeful, deliberate actions you can easily implement to help you revitalize yourself so that you can bring your best both personally and professionally. Get ready to see how the Kaizen principle can help you improve your quality of life - even in tough times! And… we may even have a little bit of fun!
A Toast to 20 Years
Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive Director; ICAHN Staff
Evening Reception: The Roaring Twenties
Heritage Hall/Conference Center Lobby
Be the Bee's Knees at our evening reception! This Roaring Twenties themed event will feature Magician Rob Thompson, live jazz music from the Kevin Hart Trio, a signature ICAHN drink, appetizers, and a great opportunity to network with other businesses and organizations.
Grab your spats and fedoras, prizes will be awarded to the best dressed!

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